Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Method 12

This program was a lot of fun.
Although, I have a lot of experience using a lot of methods listed, it was kind of neat to feel like I actually know something.

It was also fun to watch my coworkers discover all that great ways to communicate online. They've learned about blogs, social networking, posting links to videos and what podcasts are!

I learned several ways we could use these methods in our library given more time and staff. I like the idea of having a more interactive website where we can communicate more effectively with our patrons.

I would love to participate in another program like this.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Method 11

I'm a huge podcast fan.
I've been listening to podcasts since I plugged in my first iPod.

I subscribe to a few NPR podcasts and some celebrity podcasts.

In a larger library, I could see how podcasts could be useful, especially if there are a lot of teaching opportunities.
Also, when libraries have guest speakers, the lectures could be podcasted for download by people who couldn't make it to the event.

Method 10

I've always been a little leery of public wikis. I think they provide great information for entertainment purposes but I wouldn't want to rely on just anyone's information.
But they are great for collaborating on ideas or gathering information within a group.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Method 9

I've been using Instant Messaging since 1997 so I am VERY familiar with it's benefits both socially and professionally.

I think this is a great tool to bridge the gap between Librarians and patrons and it's always in the back of my mind to implement this feature for our library. However, again, I have issues with time. Since I am the only one who would "man" this IM, I'm afraid I'd end up disappointing patrons who want instant access to reference materials or resources because I just simply don't have time.
What would be ideal is if we had a staff member who dealt primarily with things like social networking, website maintenance, instant messaging and more.
I'd love to be that person but I'm also reference librarian and IT and computer information specialist!

Method 8

I've been a Facebook and Twitter user for a while.
I started using Twitter when I stayed for Hurricane Ike. I used my cellphone to tweet my experiences when my window exploded in the middle of the storm and what we did to cover it up while hurricane force winds blew through my bedroom, or when the power went out right in the middle of that, or when we sat in the sweltering living room listening to the transformers exploding all over town and the roof make strange noises as if it was going to peel off the top of the building at any moment, or when it was so scary and all I had was a candle and a battery powered radio, listening to this lone voice in the night describing people in Crystal Beach standing on their roofs as the flood waters rose.

I try very hard to keep both my personal Twitter and Facebook accounts separate from my work at the Library. Sometimes I'd like to rant and I feel that's not appropriate when I'm representing the library.

I have set up a FaceBook fan page for the Library and a Facebook profile for Stacks, our library cat.
Social networking is huge and libraries can definitely benefit from it if they had someone who could devote a lot of time to keeping it updated. I am having a tough time keeping up with updating blogs and Facebook by myself.
I've thought about adding a Twitter account for the library but if I can't keep up with Facebook and our blog and all the other responsibilities I have, I know Twitter will be neglected.
Libraries who have enough staff can definitely benefit and succeed with social networking.

Method 7

I've used Delicious in the past and while I think it's a great idea for people who don't have their own computers and rely on the public library or friends' computers, it just wasn't something that caught on for me personally.
I did like the tagging feature, however, and the ability to share your bookmarks with others.

This could be a great tool for librarians to be able to gather sites that are helpful to patrons and share them. I know that I come across websites all that time that I feel might help someone but if I don't write it down or bookmark it in my own browser, I quickly forget it.

I think I will start using a social bookmarking site again for the Library.

Method 6

I'm a YouTube user and subscriber and I love using YouTube for TV and movie clips, how-to videos and general hilarity.

A lot of our young patrons watch videos on YouTube and it's difficult for our filtering software to monitor what's appropriate and what's not. However, I think YouTube tries very hard to monitor content and adds disclaimers to things that are more adult oriented.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Method 5

Just a random photo from flickr:

This is our library cat, Stacks. He's very popular with our patrons!

I've been using Flickr for personal online photo sharing for a few years and it's by far my favorite way to keep and share my digital images.

We just recently purchased a pro account at Flickr for our library pictures. It's a great way to save and share pictures of events with our patrons.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Method 4

I've been using Google reader for quite some time. Previously I used Bloglines and while it seemed easier over all, I prefer using Google Reader for the more than 100 blogs I read.

For this exercise, I subscribed to blogs I already read including:




Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Method 3

I agree with Jenny Levine at The Shifted Librarian that although cloud computing is a great alternative for public library users to store their data, it's important that they are taught the consequences for data failure.
I think it's a great idea for non private data, I'm a little concerned about privacy issues and that's something else that the patron should know.

Also, budget-wise, moving to Google Docs, Zoho, or Microsoft Office Live would save so much money on licenses.

Methods 1 & 2

"Social Libraries" may have been a cutting edge article in 2007 but with Google docs and Google Wave in Beta, web 3.0 is upon us.

Test Post

This is a test post for A Dozen Ways to 2-Step.